Monday 14 December 2015

Chan Ho Yin_Technology can change human bodies

Technology can change human bodies Student name: Chan Ho Yin Edward (10643395) Nowadays , when our world become more modern and hi-technology , you can see that , the benefits are not just for on the city planning or technology development side,it may influences our human bodies a lot , it makes the relationship between human and technology become more closer .Human not just have a pure biological bodies, it still have some technology products inside there. From a medical point of view, we can see that , when the medicine has not been developed in the past , heart disease is tricky , and the surgery has not been subjected to scientific and technological development and progress,to cue heart disease is almost impossible ,but when medical science began to mature and developed , when we need to cue heart disease is possible . we only need to implant an electronic heart , then we can help the heart disease patients to cue this problem , it may improve survival percentage. Moreover, application in our daily life.Contact lenses and laser vision correction technology may help some patients with eye diseases can cue their problems , so that we can see that human increasing dependence on technology . In sum , in addition to medicine , mature technology can also improve human life and even can change the development of human civilization .

Saturday 21 November 2015

Media demonstrate that how to constructed man or women images.

As we can see that , media are impacting the world ,one of the impact is demonstrate that how to constructed man or women images, and i am going to give some examples to prove it up . Some media such as magazine , film and advertising, by using gender stereotypes to explain how to become a mainstream “man” and “women” , for example , base on some notes that we had discuss in class , the dominant ideal is epitomised by some stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Clint Eastwood , the “hero” and “real man” figure continues to be enormously popular in film or tv , to emphasize that in this view,there is some cultural differences between on the local images and the Western one,local culture is not so sight of heroism, but Western are .The Western people will think that they have abillities to control all the thing on this world , so that when there are disaster in this world somewhere ,the western people will help and solve that and they will think that there are hero . Also , magazine will constructed the men / women images, for example , “Men’s uno “ tell men how to become a real man daily life’s detail , “Beauty and Hair magazine” tell woman that they should make themselves more beauty and charming, so that the will become a real women completely ,and silmming advertising instilled fiber and silm body is beautiful values for women ,fitness advertising instilled strong and muscle body is awesome vales for man . So that, sum up all the point ,we can see that , media are demonstrating men/women images and affecting people deeply . Chan Ho Yin Edward (10643395)

Friday 6 November 2015

How strong of the media power is.

In this world of media technology, we cannot believe that how strong of the media power is. It can change the mind of someone, it can definition of someone or something, it will change or telling the impression of China or Hong Kong to other countries people etc.

In this advertising of shampoo example, we usually see that the long hair is a girl in Hong Kong, and the long hair is so black and so smooth. Therefore, we will have a concept for the advertising of shampoo that should be a girl to selling the product, only girl can be the main protagonist of the advertising in our mind gradually.

On the other hand, this advertising of shampoo is produce in western, they used a boy to be the main protagonist in the advertising, although they are selling the shampoo for men, and they think that shampoo is essential for everyone, it is not only patent for girls. They break in the traditional of thinking as the media, they try to change that people think the advertising of shampoo should be having a long hair, to let people accept that the boy can selling the shampoo too, because it is a necessary for everyone.

Student name: Ip Man Yee

Wednesday 4 November 2015

The Men identity - Eastern vs Western

How do you think about Perfect Man? What element or factor that man should have? There are something differences about Perfect Man that Western and Eastern media demonstrated.

In 2012, Tempo Tissue published a commercial about the new product. In this commercial, the women saw a man in the supermarket who is muscular, with good body shape and handsome face, also the man reveal that he is attentive, gentle and caring. We can see that local media demonstrated the perfect man is all rounded, the man need to be tough bit at the same time also need to be attentive to what women need.

In other side, there are some differences when western media demonstrated a perfect man. The upper link is the latest commercial by Heineken, it using James Bond to the theme. In the external, we can see that the man is talented, strong; also he is here to save the world, in very grand suits with valuable watches. In the intrinsic, man need to be very tough, women are just decorations for men to show their social status.

Through those two commercial, no matter the way of presentation or society’s expectations, there are some differences about Perfect Man between Western and Eastern. Local media usually use daily life themes to construct the male image, It is because the main audiences are mainly housewives; using daily life themes can let them put themselves in to the advertisement

Student Name: Ma Shun Hei

Why we are different?

Media are powerful, they can make use of the media to spread, construct even change our conception. In Hong Kong, media are the most used way to construct our mind. To extend, media usually stereotype men and women in a different way. 

Hong Kong media describe men as the head of the family, they work hard and give support to maintain family's needs. Men are the decision maker of a family and they would take all the responsibility to take care of the elder and children. This is how hong kong media construct the model of 'men'.

On the other hand, women be described as a weak role in the family. Their job is to take care babies and older generation. In the traditional rules in the Chinese, women are uneducated, weakness and  need to be protected, so the modern media will present a delicate side of the women, women usually take the role of ‘housewife’ rather than a career women.

To explain this phenomenon, agenda-setting theory is one of the explanation. There are three main components in this theory, ‘reality’, ‘media reality’ and the ‘public perception of reality’. In this case, traditional thought of men and women are the reality, media reality is the role taking on the media, for example, men would be the successful businessmen and women would be the housewife or nanny. These two concept would in-build in our mind and form the stereotype so call ‘public perception of reality’.

This theory can explain why men and women play in different role in Hong Kong. Media would filter what they want us to see. the selection of the media would be the main factor that how they shape the reality in our mind. So select and choose the natural media is much more difficult nowadays. 

Gender representation in gymnastics

Before the ‘coming out’ of LGBTs, there was a general understanding that ‘gender’ was dimorphous, that there was a distinct separation consisting of male and female both being exclusively.  And the media just seem to further reinforce these images of an ideal masculine or feminine person. A good example of such construction of gender can be found in the Olympic sport of gymnastics.

For the sport, we can see the obvious difference in appearance during their performance, the male wearing a simple vest and pants, emphasizing their muscles. In contrast, females wear a smile, makeup, a few accessories and a colorful one-piece leotard that highlights the slim figure of their body.

Even the contents of the game differ even though they are both considered gymnastics. The men have events like rings and pommel horse and female events consist of the balance beam or use accessories like ribbons or hoops. This shows a clear separation of gender in the nature of gymnastic.

Moreover, the media represent both genders differently using different adjectives to describe the athletes of the same sport. To illustrate further, I have given two examples in the following.

Firstly, I would like to take the images portrayed by one of the famous male gymnast, Kouhei Uchimura. A five-time Olympic medalist and many times world champion, for many Uchimura is the ultimate and greatest gymnast. We can see from his interviews with the media that he is a goal driven person and his images paints a picture of a person of strength, persistence and power.
On the other hand, we have an Olympic athlete, with the nickname of ‘Fairy’ by her adoring fans, all round champion of the Asian games, Son Yeon Jae. Though not as accomplished as Uchimura, she is just as much loved by her country, being the first Korean to get into the finals of the Olympic. All the pictures taken of her show her elegance and beauty. She is described by many to be adorable and soft-spoken.

Though both are athletes of the same sport, there is a very clear division of gender. But it seems as though such feelings that this separation is normal, come from our very idea of cultural identity, embodied into our daily lives. But because we accept this as a social norm, the gap between genders just seem to widen further. And it is not that female are unable to perform on the rings or males cannot twirl ribbons around gracefully. But we have come to accept that there is a huge difference in gender performativity. We have created a boundary of fear that we believe if cross would create chaos and confusion. But by separating both genders, we are also able to highlight each others strength just as much as our weaknesses. And maybe that's why a separation of gender plays an important role in our lives.

Student name: Harina Rachel Anne Aristan


What the so-called 'beauty' in nowadays society is.

Christine Kuo, an actress in Hong Kong. Because of her weight raised steadily, the spokesperson concert had been cancelled by local slimming company.
Janice M. Vidal, a Hong Kong singer, who always be reported on the gossip because of her raised weight.
We cannot deny that nowadays Hong Kong are constructing the concept of ideal women in the way of thin is beauty. As we all can see, there are different kinds of advertisement encouraging the women to slim they body. Mostly, the slimming company would invite some famous stars as their spokesperson. Those female would wear sexily so that they can show off their slim body confidently. In the case of Christine Kuo, Annie Lau, another actress in Hong Kong, would replace Kuo’s work of spokesperson because of Lau’s slimmer and fitter body. We can see that how a company makes use of the celebrity effect in this case.

Besides, we cannot ignore that our mind would be,also, changed by the media like magazines or tabloids. In the case of Janice, even though she performs well on her singing skill, her image was affected due to the tabloid gossiped.

As advertising is everywhere, it can construct the images of women, who should be as fit as the stars on the printed ad, firmly to our minds. The motivation behind those advertisement is to increase company’s income. That should be a kind of result on market-oriented economy.

Thank to market-oriented economy, there are not only the slimming company, but also other feminine products ; and, not only the local cases, but also the cases in Western that we can see the result on how market-oriented economy affect us to construct the images of women.
The winners of Miss World
For example, Victoria Secret calls its model as angel that also showing the slim and fit body of female in its video clip; meanwhile, all the beauty pageant’s candidates we see on the TV are, almost, owning the slim and fit body. To large extent, the meaning of beauty is equal to slim and fit. And, that is an ideal women’s body that the concept constructed by different kinds of media.
Victoria's Secret is the largest American retailer of women's lingerie, and those models are slim and fit to wear its products

How media construct the image of men and women?

In modern world, media plays a important role, by broadcasting information and messages in a fast and digital place, giving entertainment to audience.  Those information and messages have a significant influence on social cognition.  The audience are being internalized during the socialization such as their cognition towards gender.
"All Things Girl"
"All Things Girl" is a TVB entertainment programmer.  It broadcasts four days a week.  Its target audience suppose only for girls and women.  However, it also includes some section related to men.  In the 508 episode, it teaches men how to have a fit and strong body to catch the eye view of girls.  This demonstrates that man must be strong and have a muscular body.  If a man is skinny, he should train his body into a muscular shape as to give a powerful and protectorate feeling to girls.  This is one of the cognition of men demonstrated by the local media.
The advertisement of UA Finance
Besides, because of the media demonstration, many people assume that every woman must be a shopaholic.  They will buy everything that they like in anywhere anytime.  It seems that woman does not have any thinking before buy anything.  For example, there is a advertisement broadcast on TV, that is produced by UA Finance.  It is about a woman loves shopping no matter online or offline, she does not have enough money to buy those products.  Therefore, she tries to borrow money from the UA Finance.  A negative image of woman is constructed.  It seems that every woman loves shopping although she does not have enough money.  However, in the reality, not every woman loves shopping, they may not use all their money to buy everything such as clothes, shoes and bags.  The media gives a wrong message to the audience.


Shopping is one of the aspects which men and women constructed on media.

Here, I have find some pictures on both local and western which they think about men and women on shopping.

First I will talk about local one, this image is from a Hong Kong famous Facebook page call "Plastic Thing". This page always talks about how men or women constructed on different aspect. The one I use is talking about how men and women do when they do shopping. Both men and women are target to buy a shoe when they go shopping. For women, she finally bought a lot of things and she still didn't buy the shoe she wants to buy. But for men, he just go out and buy what he want then go home. This picture shows women will spend a lot of time on shopping but men won't.

Here is the second picture which I find from a western famous Facebook page call "9 gag". The image is also talk about how men and women shopping, and the funny thing is that both local and western think women will spend a lot of time on shopping but men won't. This image's talking that women will walk other shop before go in the shop she want, but men will just go in the shop they want to go. Both local and western show that women love shopping and they are willing to spend a lot of time on it, but men won't.

Actually, I agree that women like shopping and they are willing to spend time on it. But I don't think men are that unwilling on shopping. Take "AJ" as an example, every men are crazy for "AJ". They are willing to spend time and money on it no matter how expensive it is. Men will even spend time and money to buy one collection but different color. This can shows that men are willing on shopping but they will just love to spend on their target.

Student Name: Harry Lau Hoi Ming

The image of occupation in gender

There is always a  implant about the image of occupation between male and female, for instance, when people discuss about the image of firefighter, it used to describe as a  “He” with some adjective related with heroic, brave, strong, brotherhood, dedicated or generous.  On the opposite side, the image of nurse would used to describe as “She” with some adjective related with kind,empathetic,encouraging,reliable,caring and compassionate. It mean there is always a dividing line between male and female on some occupation

I have a friend, her name is Emily who work as a airline pilot in Dragonair. She shared her experience about pilot training program to her relative. Some of them replied said” Really? Why you choose to be a pilot? Are you sure you have a competent to achieve this job?” From this,she said female pilot always be doubt  by public image , because the public image of pilots most represent as a male with smart, calm, reliable and strong. Therefore, there is still friends would questioning on her job while she share the pilot’s experience with them.

On the other hands, there is another example in Japan, some Japaneses would consider female should be stay at home as housewife rather than work in the society. It’s because of their traditional concept in their culture. Comparing with western, if female get a job in society after married, people would be more acceptable than Japanese. Because the culture gap between these country. Some traditional concept of culture will effect people’s first conception on occupation. 

Student Name:Chan Chau Ling

How media constructed people

In this generation , Media make people easier to share their life and information in the social media world , than make more people like to upload some special video or picture in the social media applications or Youtube . Than make world have change . 

Like skateboard , skateboard is extreme sports so many people though that a men’s sports but with the social media have  lot of people uploading the video show how awesome the skateboard girl  play skateboard in match than attracted lot of girl start to join playing this extreme sports . And have some brand like to share message to tell people that everyone can play . When they upload the pictures that attract people and seed a idea in people mind . 

By the media influence , people can watch more western culture in social application than make lot of Asian  people start to show their personal character in online and don't shy to speak up themselves in internet . Western people like to share their video and picture online , show their fashion style , special skills , and their experience in social media , actually this can affect lot of asian people to know more themselves and let us more approaching western culture  . Media broke lot of conventional and change the images of what should people look before .That make lot of have a change by the media world . 

The difference between woman and man?

The local media usually label the woman usually in thin and small size and the man usually have a brown colour skin and fit siz including a big muscle on hand or body, the commerical advertisment always posting the star on how fit to their body and create a mind that woman or man should be thin and only think can let you have confindence. Also the cosmetic commerical also always say woman should have white skin and high nose and a sharp face, they create the standard of beauty and let all the woman think it is right. i feel confuse that why they build up a image that woman should having a long hair, thin and white skin, i am a short hair girl and one of mu colleage really think that long hair is equal to a girl and short hair is for boy, i feel a bit sad and i think those media too frequent to say woman is thin, let those fat woman lose confindence, it become a bad cycle.

The western and the eastern culture of woman and man is western country , the woman is summer usually wearing just a short top and wearing sunglass, thry have a open mind and they don't think it is problem. However, we turn to Hong Kong, they saw u wearing this kind of clothes will use a different eyes to see you and think you are disgusting. They have this kind of mind because the eastern mind usually is guard and won't wearing this clothes on the street. 

Constructed images of men in the advertisement

Advertisements are essential to demonstrate the constructed image of men nowadays, which is masculine and good-looking. Here’s the advertisement produced by Adidas, Hong Kong. Nick Cheung is a famous movie star in Asia, this advertisement displays the image of a muscular man to a certain extent that a popular movie he participated before, which is called “Unbeatable” in 2013. The image and success of Cheung would have a great influence to audiences in order to achieve their goals by working hard. Another key elements is the copywriting, which is accurate in the advertisement, which remind the audiences that they should not hesitate to do anything or else they would regret or lose in their entire lifetime.

On the other hand, the advertisement in the west is different from Hong Kong. It is an advertisement with a constructed image towards man produced by Under Armour.  The most essential element is the body shape of the man, which has a good physique and nude with his upper body. Besides, the girl in the bed is another constructed image provided by the advertisement.  She is pretty and attractive as well. These two elements combined seem to be a man’s dream, which is the man having a perfect body shape that others are envious of him. Furthermore, the description at the bottom of the advertisement “ mankind” signifies that only muscular men would have this kind of situations happen in their life.

Student Name: Chu Chi Wai