Shopping is one of the aspects
which men and women constructed on media.
Here, I have find some pictures on
both local and western which they think about men and women on shopping.
First I will talk about local one, this image is from a Hong Kong famous
Facebook page call "Plastic Thing". This page always talks about how
men or women constructed on different aspect. The one I use is talking about
how men and women do when they do shopping. Both men and women are target to
buy a shoe when they go shopping. For women, she finally bought a lot of things
and she still didn't buy the shoe she wants to buy. But for men, he just go out
and buy what he want then go home. This picture shows women will spend a lot of
time on shopping but men won't.

Actually, I agree that women like shopping and they are willing to spend time on it. But I don't think men are that unwilling on shopping. Take "AJ" as an example, every men are crazy for "AJ". They are willing to spend time and money on it no matter how expensive it is. Men will even spend time and money to buy one collection but different color. This can shows that men are willing on shopping but they will just love to spend on their target.
Student Name: Harry Lau Hoi Ming
Dear Harry, Shopping is worth discussing. The writing here demonstrates your understanding of gender stereotype. Please try to mention and analyse how gender is constructed in shopping. This should be the focus of your forthcoming ethnographic interview too. You need to interview a person on his/her shopping pattern and how this is influenced by the stereotype.