Wednesday 4 November 2015

The difference between woman and man?

The local media usually label the woman usually in thin and small size and the man usually have a brown colour skin and fit siz including a big muscle on hand or body, the commerical advertisment always posting the star on how fit to their body and create a mind that woman or man should be thin and only think can let you have confindence. Also the cosmetic commerical also always say woman should have white skin and high nose and a sharp face, they create the standard of beauty and let all the woman think it is right. i feel confuse that why they build up a image that woman should having a long hair, thin and white skin, i am a short hair girl and one of mu colleage really think that long hair is equal to a girl and short hair is for boy, i feel a bit sad and i think those media too frequent to say woman is thin, let those fat woman lose confindence, it become a bad cycle.

The western and the eastern culture of woman and man is western country , the woman is summer usually wearing just a short top and wearing sunglass, thry have a open mind and they don't think it is problem. However, we turn to Hong Kong, they saw u wearing this kind of clothes will use a different eyes to see you and think you are disgusting. They have this kind of mind because the eastern mind usually is guard and won't wearing this clothes on the street. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jodi, The discussion of gender representation is nice. The last point about the differences between Hong Kong and Western women is fine. In your forthcoming ethnographic interview, you can integrate the arguments here and make reference to the idea that identity is a process, which is more about discursive construction rather than biological given.
