Tuesday 3 November 2015

Constructed Images between Local & Western Lovers

Here are two television commercial produced by difference place. One is Hong Kong, other one is Sweden. Both television commercial are describe their local lovers story and we can peep at man and woman constructed images nowadays.

Let’s talking about the local “3” company television commercial first, the young lady is really beauty at least in her mind set. She show her pretty body every time, that why she do not want to wearing flats. Actually she tell the advantages of High-heeled shoes in the television commercial. In term of constructed image, Most Hong Kong girls tag as Hong Kong Diva (港女). Hong Kong boys tag as Hong Kong Otaku (港男). Hong Kong Diva mean the woman are foul temper, dress cute and order their boy friend to service them. Hong Kong Otaku mean the man are bookworm appearance, poor communication skill and non-assertive.

Sweden H&M television commercial is show the lovers fall in love behavior. As you can see, the boy is gentleman and have much sweet action - kiss the girl, hold her hand and smile. The girl is very tender on her behavior - lean on the boy, embrace and caress him.

As above example, there are big contrast on local and Western boys and girls. In Western culture, the boys and girls will active tell or physical contact to let each other feel their love. The simple action is say I love you. But in our culture we little say I love you with your lover. I guess some of us might say it on two situation: you want to start the relationship and marry with your lover.


Student Name : Chung Ka Lok, Jazz

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jazz, Though it is difficult to generalise your arguments to the entire "Eastern" and "Western" culture with only two examples, the writing here shows your nice observations about the cultural differences. Gender representation in media is addressed. In the ethnographic interview, what you need to do is to "prove" that your arguments are valid with reference to a real case (i.e. interviewee).
