Tuesday 3 November 2015

Many commercial had told us how to become a “good looking man or women” . For example, the tonic commercial can make man become a good- looking man or some medicine enhance women breast. Those commercials build up a image about man and woman. They will invite celebrity to represent their product or service. Via the celebrity, people will get a message form the commercial. The message is “if you want the celebrity, use our product or service.” After that, people will follow the commercial to change their identity of constructed image. They will purchase those product or service for become those celebrity.

However, there are big different between western culture and local culture. Muscular was the most important part with the western culture. It's representing power, protection. On the other hand, local culture is put emphasis on out looking. People thought out looking is the way to success. Local culture changed all the time. Sometime muscular was the current, but it could replaced by the other few days or weeks later. The local people will chase the current and it will never end. The western culture were not easy to change. Muscular wasn't a constructed image to them, it's also a symbol of growing up. People thought that muscular is the way for the boys who were growing up. If people don't get muscular, it's mean than man still in childhood.  

student: Yuen Hoi Wang Patrick

1 comment:

  1. Dear Patrick, The discussion is the writing addresses the issue of gender representation properly. You can try to mention the opposition between the men and women as represented in media. Another angle is to talk about the changes of gender representation throughout the years. In the ethnographic interview, what you need to do is to demonstrate how gender construction shapes the life of a person.
