Blur of the boundary
mobile technologies are really convenient and faster to get some information
you need, and it has some social media, which is facebook, instagram, twitter, for
people to use and follow another one what they doing, wearing or selling
register a facebook account need some personal information, which is mobile
phone number, birth, email, your full name etc. but other people find you out
on facebook very easily, then they can get some your personal information. Let
me share my experience, once; have a boy whatsapp me, but I did not understand
who is he when I saw his whatsapp icon. Then he found me out on facebook, and
facebook show my mobile phone number on my portfolio, so he can get it. Moreover,
how he can found me out? Facebook have a function is search the people in
nearby, if the person use this function, then the person can search who
facebook user is near with he/she. That is why he can found me. Therefore, the
mobile phone number is my private, but the stranger can get it through the
facebook, I think this is a good example for mobile technologies blur the
boundary of private and public space.
addition, I think the blurring of boundary bad to people’s everyday life. It is
because that is harassment for me, and you never know who will get your
personal information and why he/she need it.
name: Ip Man Yee
Dear Man Yee, The discussion here is more about the consequence of publicising your personal life online. A bit more critical and analytical elements need to be added here. In fact, how is your discussion related to the blurring of boundary (between public and private space)? This needs to be clarified.