Nowadays, people are getting more and more about blurring of boundary by mobile
technologies between public space and private space in daily life. From my point of view, private space and public space are due to the developing technologies. Mobile communication
technology is growing rapidly such as
Apple iPod, Wi-Fi internet notebook and smartphone. Also, there are lots of innovative app developing for people to communication with each other, for example, Line, Whatapp,
Skyper and Wechat. Even in social network Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as
well. User would in unconscious to make public space as own territories and
increased “mobile privatization”. Because they would
enjoy making private call, sending private message, reading online book, watching video
and even playing game through their personal digital assistants in public
space.That is also cause one of common phenomenon
of phubbing in today.

Student Name: Chan Chau Ling
Apple Daily News-
Student Gets Caught Watching Porn In Class-
Dear Chau Ling, The topic about how the boundary between private and public spaces is blurred is properly addressed. To pick on the writing, the final remark about people listening to music in street cannot really show how the aforementioned boundary is blurred. You would need to clarify if you use it in your forthcoming writing.