Tuesday 6 October 2015

Private Space < Mobile Technology > Public Space

(Image Source- http-//pic.baike.soso.com/p/20120527/20120527135759-36956315)

The mobile technology have improved a lot since those days, especially in the last five years. From the third generation of mobile telecommunications technology standards (3G) to the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology standards (4G), 4G provides faster speeds for the users and to meet users demand for more. Our mobile phone not just communicate nowadays, we can do everything we want 
while in any time at everywhere, is making our lives better than ever before. Most of us will feel uncomfortable when we forgot to carry our mobile phone. That truly proof the mobile phone how important on our everyday lives.
(Image Source- https-//s1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/a8tGRVkp45_QcpgjEpilUg)

While mobile technology has improved our daily lives on many levels, it also blur the boundary of private and public space. Here have two local examples that I want to illustrate my argument. The first example is my personal experience. This week Monday after school, I go home by MTR. A man walk in the MTR with large voice come from his mobile phone. Because the voice is quite large and “special”, it attract some phubber to look at this man a moment, this man is stand near me, I began to be curious about what video he watch, so I just look on his phone one second. I am not sure is it the porn video, but when I moving my eyes from the phone screen, I saw a girl embarrassed look. In last few month, one social application is very popular in Asia even you do not use. It is 17 app, which provides a live video function for their users and also can watch each other video. Some users might want to attract more audiences, so they show live private life on public. This action is break the boundary of private and public space.
According to uses and gratifications theory, we can have benefits of mobile technology. But it is more important we stop and think how it deeply influence our daily lives. There are two sides of technology, is good to be bad depends on how you use the technology to enrich your life rather than how technology full all your life. (356 words)

Lastly, I want to share a video “Look Up” from Gary Turk. It is about finding a balance. It's about making sure you are awake, alive and living life in the moment; instead of living your life through a screen.

Student name: Chung Ka Lok, Jazz

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jazz, Interesting experience. You also address the blurring boundaries of public and private space nicely. Regarding uses and gratifications, the approach is a bit weird. You just mention it and then jump to the conclusion that we need to think about the social impact of technology. Whenever you 'use' a theory in your essay, some elaborations are required.
