Wednesday 28 October 2015

Media images change your destiny.

      In this 21st century, advertising is a thing which appear around our daily life. Advertising give us information, it reminds us what we need. Advertising can let us know more about the world. But, some of the advertising are exaggerated and faulty statements. Those media images detached reality, they make people change.

      Take some beauty salon as an example. Most of the beauty salon told you that skin whitening is everything, you need to moisturize your skin to change yourself or to make you shine. These advertising give you an impression that skin whitening can change your destiny. In fact, there still one thing call "inner beauty". In chinese, inner beauty is more important, but the advertising make people believe your skin is the most important. Actually, a people with a kind, helpful heart is more important and the real is that advertising change your destiny.
video of beauty salon

      Besides, in comics or cartoons, they also stereotype the bad character. They have mustache, big nose, bump chin and special sound (high tone or low tone). But in reality, not all people in these feature are villain and not all the villain are in these feature. There are still some people are villain but in normal face. This make people misunderstanding with some nice people.

Last, there are many many example can proof that media images really detached from the reality. It can't say they are really different, but they are not represent the reality.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Harry, The discussion on villain is interesting but it needs further explanation. In fact,how is it related to your discussion of the stated topic? The one on 'whitening' face is fine despite reference to terms like representation is suggested.
