Tuesday 6 October 2015

The private and public space are blurred

The mobile technologies have greatly increased communicative structures. People can use mobile media devices to chat with others in all the places. It makes the boundary of private and public space are not restricted and become blurred.

The change is about the mobile privatization that means privatize the public space increasingly. Nowadays, many people use the mobile phone in public space to watch movie, play mobile game and talk with others in order to pass the time. They don't care about what others think of them. They make the public space become their private space. However, some people will take measure to ensure their privacy in public space, especially teenagers. A sociologist, Keith Hampton found that when they using the notebook or mobile phone in public space, they will turn down screen brightness or use their bag and clothes to shelter the mobile phone because they think this is their private activity and they don't want others to know what they are doing in public space. These two situations of using mobile phone in public space show that mobile technologies blur the boundary of private and public space.

On the other hand, the blurring of public and private space will affect our everyday life like our meeting and lesson will be interrupted easily. Because of the strategic communication, people don't want to miss any message and call and need to reply it immediately which may increase their social angst and the fear of missing out (FOMO). It also leads to a compulsive concern. Therefore, I think that the blurring of the boundary is bad to people's life.
Student name: Tam Yi Ki

1 comment:

  1. Dear Yi Ki, The discussion of how media technology has changed our conception of space is nicely discussed. Appropriate examples are used. Nice work! Your experience is also related to uses and gratifications theory. You may want to address it in future writing.
