Monday 26 October 2015

News media is a definer

As we can see that , when our society become modern day by day  , we receive and transmit information through multimedia , so that , the importance of the media inner increasingly high, in other words , that means , our form of life to a certain extent also defined by the media .

let me give you some example , gender stereotypes is one of a thing that media affects our definition of gender impressions. in gender stereotypes , men and womenn with different gender stereotypes to distinguish .Men are defined as strong and muscular body , girl are defined as delicate , slender type. There gender stereotypes concepts are spread through advertisements and news ,etc. so that we can see ,when a men that he is not enough strong and muscular ,  a women that she is not enough delicate and slender type, under the influence of the media of social enlightenment , those men and women will be defined as inadequate physical standards and not enough beauty and unhealthy .But in fact , when you walking in the street , you will see that ‘Sub-standard’peoples more that ‘up-to standard’ peoples, but under the influence of the media information ,people always have ‘ society had a lot of physical standard people, so their own sub-standard is flawedd ‘ wrong concept.

For my view, sometimes it means one of the reason that media images detached from the external world and media plays an important role for the event and image definition.

chan ho yin edward(10643395) 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Edward, The discussion is fine. I agree with you that women are stereotyped. The concluding remark is not written clearly. What do you mean by "media plays.... image definition"? I guess you want to say that media shape our ideas about gender.
