Hong Kong advertisement became more creative, they are no longer just ordinary display a products, also added a lot of ideas, emotions, and even exaggeration to sell. The exaggeration of advertisement can be said to cultivate and incite our desire. The construction that is often created by the creator so advertising exaggeration is effectively connected to the public of potential psychological which achieve publicity. Therefore, there is the phenomenon of media images detached from the external world.

The postmodern signifies the hyper -real reflects the effects of discourses of power upon our impression of reality. Also, the world we encounter is abstracted from reality- hypermediated and hyper -real. The more exaggeration advertisement will give the left a deep impression. In addition, it can attract attention and people have a clear feeling. This ad aired a few years later which I still remember, its effect can be imagined. Thus, exaggerated advertising is valid, as wholesome Yakult is also true. But too much of exaggeration of media images,eventually divorced from reality, so that the masses numb to pursuit. Overly expanded or reduced product performance will lose contact between the media images and the external reality.
Student name: Grace Yip
Dear Grace, This is a nice example and the discussion in the last paragraph can make reference to the concept of 'hyper-real'. Pretty good! Keep it up!