Thursday 10 September 2015

A sample blog entry - Technology in everyday life

It can be safely said that most of us use media and technology in general every day. I certainly do. Media is used in several ways, to communicate, to keep up with the latest news, and to present oneself to world among other things. In this, the information age, everything is done through the internet, whether it is banking or a simple email conversation. I am writing this blog through this grand medium and you shall soon be reading also in this medium through whichever platform you choose, computer, tablet, or phone. The theories of Technological  Determinism (TD) and Social Shaping of Technology (SST) both have conflicting views as to how we came to this stage and what it is the role of media.

Technological Determinism states that technology drives society forward, as in technology shapes society. In this theory society adapts to technological advancements, and we change our lifestyles to incorporate the new tools at our disposals. This leads to the idea that the "medium is the message", which was put forward by Marshall McLuhan, in which he states that we react differently to different forms of mediums. If one follows this idea it will seem that we focus on the medium that we are consuming and that medium becomes the message rather than when is behind it. It cannot be denied that technology has shaped and is shaping our daily life. We as a society consume media at the same level we consume food and drink; hence the medium is the message.

On the other hand, Social Shaping of Technology constitutes that we in terms of society drive technology forward due to our needs and ambitions. Unlike TD, SST believes that we shape technology and not the other way round. Following the rise of globalization we required media and technology to match our needs and ambitions. It can be argued that in our need or desire to become more interconnected media and technology have advanced accordingly.

However, in my opinion neither of these two theories are absolute and I think the reality is somewhere between them. Instead of looking at TD and SST as two separate ideas, it would be better if we combined them together, with us as a society in the middle.  Our relationship with media is in my own humble opinion can be found somewhere in between Technological Determinism and Social Shaping of Technology. Whatever it is that drives media and technology, it is evident that media is a central aspect of our daily lives, and is shaping our lives. (426 Words)

Student Name: Kamel Ihab Oussama

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