Who doesn’t have Facebook or Instagram
in this era when even my parents have a Facebook account? It is impossible for
the youth from X generation. In my experience, there are two types of people;
One is share everything with public and one is just share with close friends. For
me, I am the latter one. I usually present myself by posting photos on Instagram
and set it as a private account. Perhaps I am a little bit paranoid but I do
believe someone can track you by your photo or video and kill you or something
like that. It is dangerous if you expose them to public. If you set it to be
private, you can filter people you don’t know or trust. Also, I just post
photos about my journey or my cats because I don’t want to be annoying like
people who post about food or selfie everyday.
Like I said before, people love to share everything with each other. You
can easily know what they like or hate by their status or photos on Facebook
and Instagram. It is a good way for people understand each other better because
you can find the same topic for the opening. In other case, if you want to have
better relationship with a girl, you can look for her interest from her Facebook
sharing. Maybe it is a bit awkward but it is useful, by my friends’ experience.
If you wish to be familiar with your friends, just take chance to build your
platform for your performance.(258 words)
Student name: Li Man Ho Wilson
Thanks for sharing your personal experience of using social media. You are suggested to make use of back space and front space when you reflect on your experience. This is particularly important when you write up the first short essay for your portfolio. In fact, the essay's heading is 'from or back'. It was expected that your discussion would make reference to the terms.