Tuesday 29 September 2015

The Medium is the Message

Wednesday , 30 September 2015

The Medium is the Message 

In my opinion of the McLuhan’s “ Medium is the Message ’’ is talking about how to make the medium sending a powerful  message and human extending . For  example when people want to share some strong message to the world the shortcut is post in the social media than people will know in first time . But the point is in this theory how to get the message is important than what the message mean . When social media posting  the message is make the message different because every person have different understanding so the media can affect user .

I agree with the idea , Because social media really have the  power to affect you. Like in the Facebook when someone upload a post and people comment the post really will affect what you think about the it . For example when i watch a movie trailer always make me want go to the cinema to watch the movie because the trailer always is the best part cutting in the movie but when i read the comment of the internet about the movie will make me change my first impression of the movie than i will think maybe i not that interest to watch or maybe i don't need to spend my time and pay money to cinema to watch .

Student : Lo Tsz Ching

1 comment:

  1. Dear Glori, Your understanding of the claim 'medium is the message' is fine. Please note that 'content' and 'technology' are viewed separately iin McLuhan's original idea. Having said that, you may to be more careful when discussing how your perception of a movie can be shaped by Facebook messages, which are content of the technology of Facebook.
