Tuesday 22 September 2015

Used to be Front user

In the 21th century, social media become an iconic must-have item for people in daily life. I am now using two social media accounts to communicate with friends and sharing my daily life, which are Facebook and Instagram respectively. I was addicted on using Facebook to share photos that took by myself and i would like to share my experience on how I strategically present myself on Facebook back into my secondary school days.

I used to be recognized as the representative of my class in terms of collecting group memories, as I brought my DSLR camera to every single school events, for example sports day and swimming gala to take photos then upload them onto Facebook after editing and writing lengthily captions. By turning my privacy setting to public, people will be directed into my profile in order to watch the those albums once they are interested on a particular photo from news feed. I strategically presented myself as a well-organized, outgoing and rallying person on Facebook, I think it was quite successful as junior schoolmates thought I’m nice seniors and were more willing to approach me in the campus afterwards.

Regrading to my case mentioned above, social media helped me to keep connected with my secondary schoolmates nowadays, as they would still visit my Facebook profile for watching and commenting on old photos I took, and thus I would visit their profile to know about their recent university life. Meanwhile it helped juniors to know more about me and more willing to approach me as a senior in the campus at that time.

However social media sometimes do make people more detached from each other, while some people would determine whether their friends are busy or not recently by contents and frequency of their friends’ posts on social media platform, hence to consider contacting that friend or not. As a result they would get more detached with friends by their wrong determination. Also, posts on social media platform which expressing one’s feeling and opinion on a specific topic or matter might create arguments, even hurt their friends accidentally, hence people may detached from each other or turn down friendships.  (361 words)

Student: Mak Ka Tsun

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ka Tsun, this is a nice piece of work which shares your personal experience with pretty much detail. Try to make reference to technological determinism in your first component of portfolio based on this writing. What you need now is to relate your opinions to theoretical perspectives in future. (Frankie)
