McLuhan express a
most popularly known theory – “The Medium is the Message” he considered that
anything that is an extension of ourselves as a medium. So more broad than
human communication, and can encompass any technology that extends our physical
and intellectual essences.
I am strongly
agree this theory, I think the arise of social media has been change in
television programs. When I was child, there are some television programs
having a mailbox for me to send a letter to join a game or express my
opinions. And those letters would be selectively read on-air until the next
broadcast. But now, the television station use some more new and diverse
approaches to interacting with audience have happened afforded by social media.
For example, Facebook is the famous medium to be used to assist for some
talkback about the TV drama, question and answer form the audience, and it is
more interactive and helps audience know more detail about the drama.
In the other example, there is a television live program shown in last
month, call “
The Million Dollar Minute”. The audience can use their smart phone to
answer the question of the program immediately; also the program would show the
result of the vote after one minute.
These examples show us, the social media unintended
increase interaction between television program and the audience
Student Name: Ma Shun Hei
Dear Nathan, You got the idea of how media form can be separated from media content. That's nice. This is also what McLuhan would like to argue. If you could eliminate the grammatical errors, the writing would look better and this facilitates reading.