Tuesday 29 September 2015

What "Medium is the Message" mean ?

Far as I understand McLuhan's "medium is the message", the media mean any extension of ourselves or by any new technology, not only mass media. The media (medium) spread not only the content, are its characteristics which influence people far more than its content.

I cannot disagree McLuhan’s idea. One new media invention, it will change our lifestyle. In McLuhan's point of view of the impact of Internet, computer network presents the message of ways are very different of newspapers, magazines, television, especially hyperlinks and search function, it is change the past linear way of thinking, information is presented simultaneously rather than sequential. It is a cold media, which need human visual, auditory, tactile active deep involvement. 

In my daily life, if I want to know about media culture, I just open my internet browser and enter the words “media culture” on search engine and it will appear millions of search results. I can roll down and find one website (hyperlinks) to click-in take a look. In addition, some website have "read more" or "recommended" on the content below, you can get more information on one click. It is proof medium is the message. The media (medium) spread not only information, but more importantly is its features and forms of communication, deeply influenced and changed human society. (218 words)

Student name: Chung Ka Lok, Jazz


  1. Dear Jazz, the short artilce demonstrates your good understanding of McLuhan's idea. Content of media techonology and the media technology itself can be clearly separated. That's nice! Just to be a bit picky. What exactly you want to say by "I cannot disagree McLuhan..."? This is a bit confusing here.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Frankie,
      Yes, I want to emphasize agree with McLuhan’s idea. (我不可以不同意 McLuhan’s idea) but it might confuse the audience, I will correct it. Thank you. :)
