I’ve used Facebook since 2008. In the past
7 years, I’m starting to remind myself one thing, “do not addicted in this
social platform “.
I‘d created a Facebook account since 2008
and the main reason why I create an account because my friend told me to do so.
I always update status on Facebook like how I feel or somebody just made me
very angry and I want my friends to back me up on Facebook, Asking for a like.
There is no way to deny that social media
can make people understand each other better. People can update anything about their
life on social media platform and share the world how they feel or what they
thought. If they didn’t update any status on social media platform, people
still can know something about yours, like watch some photo taking by you and
they know that you like photography. Or even you subscribed one page, people
will also it on social media platform and know that you are subscribing one of
your favorite page.
On the other hand, there are no barrier on
social media platform. People could come from anywhere. For example, some of my
friend are Americans, we always chat each other on Facebook. If I want they
know anything about me recently, all I have to do is update my status on
Facebook, no need to write a letter and mail to them. It save a lot of time to
tell them my daily life. It’s breaking the wall between country and country and
build a global village.
Student: Yuen Hoi Wang Patrick
Dear Patrick, the arguments in the writing are organised. Nice. You also make use of the platform in an impressive way by inserting images. What you need to do for your future writing is to make reference to some theoretical terms and concepts, and to provide the reader with specific theoretical perspective in examining a topic. This is particular important in your portfolio assignment. Keep up the nice work! (Frankie)