Tuesday 29 September 2015

The medium and the war reporter

  From the last lecture, we have discussed the theory “The medium is the message” from philosopher Marshall McLuhan, he suggested that media is the extension of human, it doesn’t just enhanced human senses but also shape the structure of the society, culture, or even human habits.
  I strongly agree with McLuhan’s theory, the technology and media has definitely changed the society from my own observation. One of the great example - Smartphone. Nowadays, almost everyone ( even kids) has their own smartphone, and most of them contains camera function with it and it makes everyone a “ War Reporter”. 
  One time i was taking the MTR, and suddenly there were a fight going on of two guys, the funny thing i saw was everyone that surrounded by were doing the same thing, “Filming”. After a while, i saw many posts about that fight on social media. 
  From this experience, we can see that how the message can spread to worldwide in such a quick time and also how the people changed by their action. In the old days, we could only get the information from the TV news. But nowadays, we can know what’s the society going on from many platforms, also people pay more attention to their surrounding just try to capture some “Hot Topic”, and that’s what make us all become “War Reporter”.

by Cheng Siu Chun Adrian 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Adrian, this is impressive experience. The cause-and-effect relationship is oversimplified here although this may also be a critique of technological determinism. Perhaps you could try to make reference to moral panics about video games in order to demonstrate that how common such kind of view in local context.
