Wednesday 23 September 2015

Why people like social media

Why people like social media
In this generation when people want to know what recent about their friend they don't really need to talk to each other, ask a lot of questions . All they need just have application like (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram , etc. ) than they can know anything of their friend actually this is so convenience but that make them less interflow . But still a way to communicate when they busy or not in same country. Application make people have more channel to share their life , photo, works  to friends and stranger .  Their comments or Like can let user know more themselves  . 
But why social media user not just for teenagers? There ages including older person . When you in transport can see some older person using Facebook , WhatsApp I think that because the communication application not hard to use so convenience to use . And the application can text , voice to leave message don't need to hand the phone to talk that make people more like to use . 

And I think people mostly share in their social media are picture and video , because when you checking your Facebook , Instagram most posts are picture and video it easy to upload and to check out because picture can contain a lot of message there and not really need to write a lot of words . That why Instagram are so popular now .    

1 comment:

  1. Dear Glori, thanks for your sharing. The blog provides a couple of nice observations related to the topic.You are advised to review or analyse your own experience from a theoretical perspectives in future. This is particularly important for your short written assignments. In this blog, presentation of self is applicable. The blog exercise is freer so don't worry about making error when you apply the concepts and terms learnt in class. (Frankie)
